Active and Associate Membership - This is notice that Southwest Soccer's AMM is to be held on Wednesday, December 4th 2024.
Location - Virtual Platform - Microsoft Teams (Link to be provided to registered delegates.)
Time - 7:30PM
Registration - Submitted by December 1st @ 12:00am to inclusive of Delegate Form, Proxy Form (if applicable), and payment of any outstanding fees. *See below for Membership Renewal.
AMM Package - AMM Book and Audited Financial Statements will be provided to membership and the recorded delegates/proxies in advance of the meeting.
*New By-Laws in compliance with ONCA are being put forth to membership for approval at the AMM.*
Amendments - The submission of amendments to Southwest Soccer By-Laws must but completed on the published form and follow Article 8 - 8.1.2 as follows:
8.1.2 All proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be forwarded in writing to the District Association no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
8.1.3 Copies of the proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be sent to all members not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting at which they will be considered.
An addition to Southwest Soccer's Constitution was received in alignment with 8.1.2 and will be voted on at the AGM.
Active Member Delegate - Each active member must accredit one delegate in writing to Southwest Soccer prior to the AMM. On behalf of the active member only the delegate may cast votes and speak.
Member Proxy - As per Article 13-13.2.1 #5 a Member proxy from one active member to another member must be recorded at the District Office at least four days prior to any Annual Members Meeting. A Southwest Soccer Proxy Form must be used.
Membership Renewal - As per Rule 4.2-4.2.9 members must renew membership on a form provided by the district association by November 1st. Required documents for submission and payment ($70.00) are identified on such form and within our published rules. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged to clubs that fail to renew membership prior to the AMM.
AMM Regrets - Attendance or Regrets are to be identified on the Membership Renewal Form. Failure to attend the AMM without providing regrets via the membership renewal form will result in a $100.00 fee.
Member Contact Form - For 2023-24 Membership Renewal it is required that all member organizations complete and submit the Club / League Contact Form inclusive of a designated CHR contact and Discipline Chair (certified) contact. This form is now built into the membership renewal form.
The purpose of collecting this information is to ensure we have the necessary contacts on file for the office administration, Match Official Department and Districts Discipline Chair.
*The provided Discipline Chair (certified) contact must be willing to work with the district and neighbouring clubs. Their contact may be shared with member organizations strictly for use in discipline or code of conduct and ethics proceedings.
The following positions are up for election at the 2024 AMM:
Chair - 2 year term
Nomination Accepted - Jeff Hughes
Director-at-Large - 2 year term
Nomination Accepted - Laszlo Sarkany
Director-at-Large - 2 year term
Nomination Declined - Tyson Stroeder
No Accepted Nomination = Open to nominations from the floor
Director-at-Large -2 year term
No Accepted Nomination = Open to nominations from the floor
Director-at-Large - 1 year term
No Accepted Nomination = Open to nominations from the floor
Submitted nominations are valid with received acceptance from the nominees.
17.2.1 Nominations shall be forwarded, with the nominees signed consent, on a provided form to the District Association no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Members Meeting.
17.2.2 Received nominations shall be posted on the District website not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Members Meeting.
Nominations may be submitted from the floor at the AMM for director-at-large positions that remain open following election results of the published nominees.
Please submit the completed form to GM@SWRSA.CA
Please ensure any outstanding fees with Southwest Soccer are paid prior to the AGM to ensure your clubs participation as an active member. Clubs in bad standing can have a delegate present but cannot partake in discussion or voting.
If you have any questions or require assistance feel free to contact the Southwest Soccer office.
I have accepted a nomination for the position of Chair of Southwest Soccer for another term. I have been a member of the board for eight years with the past four years in the role of president. In September 2024 I was nominated and voted in as the Chair of the Voting Members Council, the eighteen districts within Ontario Soccer. I previously was a volunteer as the Community Liaison for KW United FC for four years while they played in the PDL (now USL2). I have two adult children, son 22 and daughter 24, that grew up playing soccer and I was involved as a coach through house league grass roots stages for both from U4 to U11 and manager of my son’s team at the competitive level beyond that.
I enjoy a career in operations management in the trucking and logistics industry where I have worked for over 28 years and am directly involved in all aspects of the business including people management, process creation and management, compliance within various governing bodies, business development and customer satisfaction.
I believe I am a well rounded and experienced individual up for the task of representing you and leading our district for another two year term and seek your support
It is a pleasure to be nominated for the position of a ‘Director-at-Large’. First and foremost, I would like to thank the nominating clubs for their continued trust in me. I would also like to thank my fellow board members for their support as well.
Serving on the board is very important, and meaningful for me. I find our work on the board – the regulatory aspects of our work, our engagement with the broader soccer community, and our support of our exceptional match officials – extremely rewarding. Being a match official and an assessor, I pay close attention to how we are developing match officials and how we are supporting others in ensuring that we provide the best possible service to our clubs. It is exciting to see our initiatives in regard to match officials, and my aim is to continue to support our efforts to the benefit of our membership. Overall, for me, being on the board is as much about helping make decisions as it is about connecting with you all. It is ‘the beautiful game’ because of the relationship with forge on and off the pitch.
I thank you for reading my statement.